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How to Create an Instagram Post for Business

How to Create an Instagram Post for Business

Find out how to create an Instagram post for business purposes, including all the different types of posts available, 15 different ways to create posts on Instagram that positively showcase your business, attract followers and engage with your audience, and bonus tips for maximizing engagement with your content.

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Google Ads: Sizing Options Explained Plus Examples

Google Ads: Sizing Options Explained Plus Examples

Use the information in this post as a reference guide when placing your next campaign on Google Ads, sizing your ads to fit a variety of different ad placements. You’ll discover which ad sizes perform best, learn the top 5 most popular ad sizes, and see a range of over a dozen other ad sizes that are available, including those designed specifically for mobile...

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21 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media

21 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media

Explore these 21 different and creative ways to repurpose content for social media, including some you may not have thought or known about before. The fact is that it’s tough to attract much engagement for the standard link post. As you’ll discover, many other types of social content attract far higher levels of engagement, and your content elsewhere can be easily repurposed into it…

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How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn?

How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn?

How often should you post on LinkedIn? There’s a lot of different advice on the topic, but what’s the truth? In this post, we assess what the optimal posting levels are, the key question to ask that determines how often you should be posting, and the best way to ensure the all-important posting consistency that you need to succeed on LinkedIn.

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Lead Generation PPC: A Multi-Channel Guide

Lead Generation PPC: A Multi-Channel Guide

Here’s a full guide on how to create effective lead generation PPC campaigns across multiple platforms, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, along with info on how to improve your ROI so your campaigns are cost-effective and can scale. Your customers are everywhere so it pays to be in front of them on all the channels they frequent…

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How to Create a Webinar Presentation

How to Create a Webinar Presentation

Here’s a full guide on how to create a webinar presentation, right from defining your objective and deciding how to deliver the webinar, through to having a polished and refined presentation you’re fully confident in and ready to deliver live. Discover how to create your...

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16 Email Deliverability Best Practices to Grow Inbox Reach

16 Email Deliverability Best Practices to Grow Inbox Reach

This post shares 16 email deliverability best practices to help you improve deliverability, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your email marketing reaches as many of your subscribers as possible. Discover best practices for authentication, lead acquisition, list management, message content, and a whole lot more…

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12 Tips on Effectively Repurposing Content for SEO

12 Tips on Effectively Repurposing Content for SEO

Nine out of ten marketers find repurposing content more effective than creating brand new content. That includes benefits for SEO. But how does it work when it comes to repurposing content for SEO? This post gives you 12 tips to repurpose content to grow your visibility on search engines and attract more traffic back to your website…

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Paid Social Ads: A Beginner's Guide

Paid Social Ads: A Beginner's Guide

Knowing where to start with paid social ads can be a little overwhelming. This post guides you through how to plan and execute an effective social media advertising campaign, and how to place paid social ads on the top social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest…

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How to Add Photos to a Facebook Business Page Album Using Mobile

How to Add Photos to a Facebook Business Page Album Using Mobile

Wondering how to add photos to an album on your Facebook Business Page using mobile? This type of task might seem straightforward enough on a desktop computer, but how do you approach it on a phone? This short guide will help you, with 10 key steps you need to follow, each one illustrated so you know exactly what to do…

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