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How to Grow Pinterest Followers

How to Grow Pinterest Followers

This post shows you how to grow Pinterest followers, giving you 7 ways to do so, along with one to steer clear of. You’ll discover how important followers are on Pinterest, how it differs (considerably) from other social platforms, and how to get more followers on Pinterest in a sustainable and effective way.

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7 Top Lead Magnet Tools for More Leads and Higher Conversions

7 Top Lead Magnet Tools for More Leads and Higher Conversions

What lead magnet tools are available that help you create and promote lead magnets, and improve your lead acquisition activities? A ‘lead magnet’ is a valuable asset for your business, enabling you to attract leads efficiently by offering something of value in exchange for their email address. This post looks at 7 top lead magnet tools that help you drive more leads and generate higher conversions...

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How to Increase Organic Search Traffic

How to Increase Organic Search Traffic

Knowing how to increase organic search traffic is essential. Between half and three-quarters (for B2B) of all organic traffic comes from search. This post gives you 13 ways to increase your own organic traffic from search, including strategies such as blogging, effective SEO, and using your content pages to then increase organic traffic to your main frontend pages too.

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Drip Campaign Emails: How to Create an Effective Email Nurture Sequence

Drip Campaign Emails: How to Create an Effective Email Nurture Sequence

Email delivers a reported 4,200% ROI, a key part of that comes from automated drip campaign emails, including for converting prospects into customers, building the lifetime value of existing customers, and even reactivating lost customers. Whatever your goal, this post details how to create an effective email nurture sequence that drives recipients...

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How to Use Reddit for Marketing

How to Use Reddit for Marketing

This post details how to use Reddit for marketing, including using it for market research, testing out ideas on audiences for honest (and sometimes harsh) feedback, and using their largely-overlooked advertising features. You’ll also find out how to stay on the right side of Redditors and contribute value effectively.

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45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic

45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic

This post gives you over 45 sites that will accept your infographics submission. Infographics continue to be one of the most popular types of content used in content marketing, used by 65% of B2B marketers alongside charts and photos. But for the most impact, you need to distribute your infographics effectively. Use this list to help you do just that.

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Email KPIs: Essential Email KPI Metrics to Keep Track Of

Email KPIs: Essential Email KPI Metrics to Keep Track Of

With email marketing delivering a reported 4,200% return on investment, it’s essential to keep track of important email KPIs so you know exactly how your own email marketing activities are performing. This post details the 7 top email KPI metrics to track, including the exact calculation you need for each one.

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55+ Effective Call to Action Phrases That Convert

55+ Effective Call to Action Phrases That Convert

Need a swipe file of effective call to action phrases that boost response rates and conversions? This post gives you exactly that, with over 55 such phrases available for you to swipe and deploy. Each one comes with an illustration of the phrase in action, either from a website, from an email or posted on social media.

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How to Increase Your Email Open Rate

How to Increase Your Email Open Rate

This post details how to increase your email open rate—and describes why the metric is still important, even after iOS 15. Get over 10 different strategies you can put into action today for increasing your open rate and improving your results from email marketing, from analyzing lead sources, to testing subject lines, to cleaning your list.

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How to Grow Facebook Followers

How to Grow Facebook Followers

This post details how to grow Facebook followers, including 7 top strategies you can start putting into action today. With Facebook the largest social network by far, we also look at the benefits you gain from growing your followers on the network, from increasing traffic, to brand awareness, to running effective ads on the platform...

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