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Ultimate Guide to Creating and Presenting an Effective Webinar

Ultimate Guide to Creating and Presenting an Effective Webinar

Get everything you need to know for creating and presenting an effective webinar, even if you’re a complete beginner, including creating your offer, building the marketing that surrounds the presentation itself, and managing your expectations. Having an effective webinar in your marketing arsenal is a powerful…

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8 Real Life Content Repurposing Examples

8 Real Life Content Repurposing Examples

What does content repurposing actually look like in practice? Here are 8 real life content repurposing examples sourced from across the web, including text-based, visual and audio content to both inform and inspire. By repurposing content you’ve already got, it’s far easier and quicker to grow online visibility and…

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How to Advertise Your Business on Instagram

How to Advertise Your Business on Instagram

Wondering about how to advertise your business on Instagram? This post shows you just that, in three easy steps. With around one and a half billion active users, Instagram is a popular destination for businesses looking to spread the word about their products and services. Discover exactly how to get started on the…

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Guest Posting for Backlinks: Does It Still Work?

Guest Posting for Backlinks: Does It Still Work?

Is guest posting for backlinks an outdated technique that no longer works in practice? Or is it still effective today? One of the main reasons business owners and marketers pursue guest posting is for the potential SEO benefits. But what does Google have to say on the topic, and are there additional benefits that…

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How to Repurpose Content for Social Media

How to Repurpose Content for Social Media

Discover a highly efficient and effective framework to repurpose content for social media on a regular and consistent basis, growing your social media presence in a way that’s just “taken care of” and growing your return on investment from the creation of content you’ve already published elsewhere. Putting this into practice puts you head and shoulders above…

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How to Create a Paid Ad on LinkedIn

How to Create a Paid Ad on LinkedIn

For those selling B2B, a LinkedIn ad campaign can be very powerful. This post gives you a simple to follow 10-step plan that shows you exactly how to create a paid ad on LinkedIn. Paid ads on LinkedIn can be more expensive than other platforms, at least at face value. But because of the quality of LinkedIn’s user base…

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Conversion Rate A/B Testing: A Practical Guide

Conversion Rate A/B Testing: A Practical Guide

When looking to improve your conversion rates, A/B testing is one of the highest value, most reliable activities you can undertake. Yet surprisingly, few businesses do much if any testing, preferring to rely on their own (often inaccurate) assumptions. The good news is that, by following the information in this post, A/B testing is easy to…

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YouTube Channel Optimization: 10 Ways to Grow Views and Subscribers

YouTube Channel Optimization: 10 Ways to Grow Views and Subscribers

Publishing videos onto YouTube? Then it’s essential to optimize your channel in order to maximize the results you achieve. But what does YouTube channel optimization actually involve? Let’s look at some of the strategies you can start putting into action today, to optimize your channel and help your videos rise to the top…

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How Do You Promote Your Business on Facebook?

How Do You Promote Your Business on Facebook?

Regardless of the type of business you run, you’re likely to find your prospects on Facebook and benefit from promoting your business on the platform. But how do you promote your business on Facebook? In this post, we look at how to approach it, from setting up your Page to using both organic and paid methods to…

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How Often Should You Post on Twitter?

How Often Should You Post on Twitter?

There’s lots of advice on how often to post on Twitter, most of it based on little evidence other than what is “generally recommended”. But what actually happens in practice? Here, we look at 30 high profile popular Twitter accounts, from those with 100k+ followers to those with several million. The results may surprise you…

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