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Optimizing Videos for YouTube: The Ultimate Guide

Optimizing Videos for YouTube: The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide on optimizing videos for YouTube effectively, this post gives you four key steps to follow, including the importance of finding optimal keywords, how to think about optimization before you even start to create your videos, how to list them on YouTube optimally, and, perhaps most importantly, what you do afterwards to help promote them…

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How to Repurpose Existing Content the Right Way to Multiply Your Traffic

How to Repurpose Existing Content the Right Way to Multiply Your Traffic

Find out how to repurpose existing content the right way to multiply your traffic, along with a ton of other marketing benefits. This post reveals five key reasons to repurpose existing content, exposes three common myths about content repurposing, and details how to repurpose content for maximum traffic multiplication…

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11 Business Newsletter Examples

11 Business Newsletter Examples

If you’re thinking of starting a business newsletter, or revamping an existing one, check out these 11 business newsletter examples for new ideas and inspiration. Most of these have large audiences, going out to hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and as you’ll see there’s a wide range of approaches and styles…

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How to Add Google Search to Your Website

How to Add Google Search to Your Website

This comprehensive step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to add Google Search to your website. We look at the pros and cons of doing so, and discover the range of customization options available. Find out exactly how to get started, alongside things like how to adjust the look and feel, how to earn from ad clicks, and even how to disable advertising…

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A/B Testing in WordPress: A Practical How-To Guide

A/B Testing in WordPress: A Practical How-To Guide

How do you approach A/B testing in WordPress, whether for a standard website or blog, or for an ecommerce site using WooCommerce? This post has you covered, looking at what A/B testing is, how to easily double your results with split tests, and five top tools for conducting A/B tests on WordPress along with how to use them…

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7 Top Tips for Creating a Content Calendar

7 Top Tips for Creating a Content Calendar

Creating a content calendar not only has big benefits for content creation and content marketing as a whole, it’s also a whole lot easier than you may have thought. This post looks at what a content calendar is, how you benefit from creating one, and 7 top tips for creating an effective content calendar that works for your business.

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What Are the Best Online Advertising Platforms?

What Are the Best Online Advertising Platforms?

There’s no shortage of online advertising platforms available for your business. If you’re wondering where to get started, it can be confusing, to say the least. To help you out, this post gives you the ten best online advertising platforms currently available, with an overview and summary of each so you know how they work and the types of ad format provided.

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Guest Blogging for SEO: How to Get Started

Guest Blogging for SEO: How to Get Started

How does guest blogging for SEO purposes actually work? Whether you’re an author or a blog owner, how do you benefit from guest blogging, and how do you get started? That’s what this post explores, including how to approach it in the right way to maximize the SEO advantages, improve your rankings, and grow your traffic from search…

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11 Lead Magnet Examples to Use for Your Business

11 Lead Magnet Examples to Use for Your Business

Looking for lead magnet examples to help inspire your own offers? This post gives you 11 different ideas for lead magnets that are known to convert well, including examples of them in action from top sites around the web. Also find out how to design a lead magnet that works well for your business, and how to put it into action…

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How Often Should a Business Post on Facebook?

How Often Should a Business Post on Facebook?

How often should a business post on Facebook to maximize their results? That’s what this short and snappy post aims to answer—and what we discover may surprise you. In fact, much of the available information and advice on the topic is woefully out of date and no longer applicable to how Facebook works today…

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