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How to Use Negative Keywords in Google Ads to Grow Your ROI

How to Use Negative Keywords in Google Ads to Grow Your ROI

Dive into the power of negative keywords in Google Ads and how they can transform your campaigns. Discover the importance of negative keywords, how to identify and implement them in your campaigns, best practices to maintain and optimize your negative keyword lists, and more. Maximize your ROI by ensuring your…

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Pinterest Ads: Best Practices to Boost Engagement and Conversions

Pinterest Ads: Best Practices to Boost Engagement and Conversions

To truly harness the power of Pinterest Ads, you need to understand the best practices that can boost your engagement and conversions. In this post, we dive into effective strategies for maximizing your Pinterest Ads performance. From creating engaging content to targeting the right audience, optimizing for…

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Microsoft Bing Advertising: a Guide to Getting Started

Microsoft Bing Advertising: a Guide to Getting Started

In this post, we explore the 8 key steps you need to get started with Microsoft Bing Advertising. From understanding the basics to mastering advanced optimization techniques, you'll gain valuable insights to help you create effective ads. This guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to...

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Facebook A/B Testing: How to Split Test Your Facebook Ads

Facebook A/B Testing: How to Split Test Your Facebook Ads

Facebook A/B testing is vital for improving their performance. Discover how to start testing different elements to drive up the returns your ads achieve potentially significantly. This post details why A/B testing on Facebook is so important, the steps you need to take to execute A/B testing effectively, and how you can…

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A Beginner's Guide to Google Paid Search Ads

A Beginner's Guide to Google Paid Search Ads

What if you could match your advertising to the immediate interests of your prospect? That’s the power of Google Paid Search Ads. They connect you with potential customers right when they’re searching for what you offer. This guide walks you through the entire process of setting up your first campaign on Google Search, including…

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How to Use LinkedIn Carousel Ads

How to Use LinkedIn Carousel Ads

LinkedIn Carousel Ads use a highly engaging ad format, but are under-utilized by advertisers. The format is perfect for SMEs that want to amplify their stories, showcase their products and services, and build relationships with their target audiences. This post guides you through getting started, with the 8 steps you need to…

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Getting Started with Bing Search Ads (Microsoft)

Getting Started with Bing Search Ads (Microsoft)

Bing Search Ads are all-too-often overlooked, but are brimming with potential for smart business owners and marketers. Google might be the dominant player in search advertising, but Bing has a lot to offer too, including giving you access to a whole new demographic who might not otherwise ever hear about your…

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How to Set Up Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

A comprehensive guide on how to set up Facebook Ads, step by step, plus info on the different ad types that are available, and what you might expect in terms of costs per click (CPC) and CPM. With over half the world’s active internet users on Facebook, advertising on the platform can of course give…

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X (Formerly Twitter) Follower Ad Campaigns Are No More—Here's What To Do Next...

X (Formerly Twitter) Follower Ad Campaigns Are No More—Here's What To Do Next...

So X (formerly Twitter) follower ad campaigns are no longer available… what should you do now to accelerate the growth of your followers on the platform? This post examines how you can take advantage of other types of ad campaign on X to grow your followers, while achieving other objectives for your…

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Getting Started with Quora Advertising: A Guide for Beginners

Getting Started with Quora Advertising: A Guide for Beginners

While not as big as some online ad platforms, Quora advertising provides valuable opportunities to reach a targeted audience that has a potentially high level of interest in what you provide and that is likely on the platform looking for solutions. Plus, there’s less competition, and ads can be cheaper to run. Discover exactly how to…

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