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Creating Custom Thumbnails for YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Custom Thumbnails for YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide

Custom thumbnails are essential for grabbing your audience's attention and encouraging them to click on your videos. But how do you create them? This post is a step-by-step guide for creating custom thumbnails for YouTube, explaining why thumbnails are important, what factors make them effective, and a review of some of the…

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How to Set Up Effective Google Ad Groups

How to Set Up Effective Google Ad Groups

If you’re new to Google Ads and maybe unsure of what Google Ad Groups are, this comprehensive guide is here to help. Learn how to set up effective ad groups, including how to structure your campaigns, how to group ads together, and how to optimize your campaigns, multiply conversions, and reduce costs per click…

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A Content Repurposing Guide to Creating Multi-Channel Content

A Content Repurposing Guide to Creating Multi-Channel Content

This post provides a comprehensive guide to content repurposing, providing a path for transforming your existing content on a regular and consistent basis that allows you to reach wider audiences, increase your authority and credibility, attract new customers and grow your business. Stop repurposing content in ways that are…

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10 LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Examples

10 LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Examples

In B2B marketing, platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable tools for generating leads and driving sales. This blog post showcases 10 real LinkedIn lead gen form examples to inspire those looking to optimize or create their own campaigns. With high conversion rates, ads in the feed that use lead gen forms offer prospects an easy way…

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How to Promote Your Blog on Instagram: 6 Key Steps

How to Promote Your Blog on Instagram: 6 Key Steps

This post provides a step-by-step guide on how to promote your blog on Instagram successfully. With well over 1 billion active users, Instagram is of course an important channel on which to promote your blog, reach your audience, and grow your brand and revenue. But one of the main questions businesses have is… how?

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Smart Display Campaigns: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Smart Display Campaigns: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Does setting up a display campaign sound like a lot of work? Think again. Smart display campaigns take care of a lot of the heavy lifting for you and are now an integral part of display advertising on Google’s network. They’re a great way to reach your target audience wherever they happen to be—and with minimal effort! In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll guide you…

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11 Effective Keyword Research Techniques for Successful SEO

11 Effective Keyword Research Techniques for Successful SEO

For successful SEO, the use of effective keyword research techniques is vital. After all, you need to know that the keywords you are targeting are the most effective ones for increasing your online visibility, growing your organic traffic, and repeatedly appearing in front of your target market. Here are 11 effective…

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How Often Should You Post on Pinterest?

How Often Should You Post on Pinterest?

Just how often should you post on Pinterest? Unlike most other advice on the topic, we’re going to look at the actual evidence on posting frequency, including looking at what Pinterest themselves recommend. The answer may surprise you as it’s different to what most commentators would otherwise have you believe…

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8 Top Ways to Get the Most Out of Twitter as a Small Business

8 Top Ways to Get the Most Out of Twitter as a Small Business

How do you get the most out of Twitter as a small business? That’s what you’re about to find out, with 8 top ways to maximize your presence on the platform. Getting results on Twitter, including attracting an authentic audience of followers, is a long-term play that requires perseverance, dedication and...

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Is There an Ideal Blog Post Frequency for Business Blogging?

Is There an Ideal Blog Post Frequency for Business Blogging?

What’s the ideal blog post frequency? Or, to put it another way… how often should you blog? That’s exactly what this post looks into, including looking at what the data shows us, based on studies of thousands of businesses and the link between blogging frequency and results. You’ll then also find out what the ideal blog post…

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