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LinkedIn Insight Tag: The Ultimate Guide

LinkedIn Insight Tag: The Ultimate Guide

What’s the LinkedIn Insight Tag, and how do you use it? This ultimate guide gives you the full lowdown, including how to create one for your website, how to install and verify it, and how to use it for effective advertising on LinkedIn, whether creating audiences, tracking conversion activities, and gaining useful demographic insights about your visitors.

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How to Increase Facebook Reach

How to Increase Facebook Reach

This post explores how to increase Facebook reach, with over 10 different ways to do so. On average, only around 5% of your followers are likely to see your organic posts. But you can increase that by using the right strategies to take advantage of Facebook’s algorithm, and maximize the organic visibility and reach of your posts on the platform...

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Generating Website Traffic Without SEO

Generating Website Traffic Without SEO

Five of the best ways for generating website traffic without SEO. While search engines provide the majority of traffic for most sites, it’s not a good idea to be wholly reliant on them. That means building additional traffic channels for your business, providing you with more stability and control. And the good news is that most of these also end up helping your search visibility too…

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How to Use Twitter Ads: A Simple Guide

How to Use Twitter Ads: A Simple Guide

Discover how to use Twitter ads, including the benefits of advertising on Twitter, the different ad types available, a 5-step guide to using the platform, and some final tips on how to run Twitter ads successfully. If you’ve not used Twitter ads before, doing so might seem a bit intimidating. But with this info to hand, you’ll be able to launch your first campaign with confidence.

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25 Key Strategies for Repurposing Blog Content

25 Key Strategies for Repurposing Blog Content

Repurposing blog content can multiply the value of that content many times over. If you’re solely publishing content on your blog and not repurposing it elsewhere, starting to do so can represent a potentially significant growth opportunity. This post gives you 25 key strategies for repurposing blog content, both online and offline.

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How to Grow Pinterest Followers

How to Grow Pinterest Followers

This post shows you how to grow Pinterest followers, giving you 7 ways to do so, along with one to steer clear of. You’ll discover how important followers are on Pinterest, how it differs (considerably) from other social platforms, and how to get more followers on Pinterest in a sustainable and effective way.

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How to Use Reddit for Marketing

How to Use Reddit for Marketing

This post details how to use Reddit for marketing, including using it for market research, testing out ideas on audiences for honest (and sometimes harsh) feedback, and using their largely-overlooked advertising features. You’ll also find out how to stay on the right side of Redditors and contribute value effectively.

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45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic

45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic

This post gives you over 45 sites that will accept your infographics submission. Infographics continue to be one of the most popular types of content used in content marketing, used by 65% of B2B marketers alongside charts and photos. But for the most impact, you need to distribute your infographics effectively. Use this list to help you do just that.

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How to Grow Facebook Followers

How to Grow Facebook Followers

This post details how to grow Facebook followers, including 7 top strategies you can start putting into action today. With Facebook the largest social network by far, we also look at the benefits you gain from growing your followers on the network, from increasing traffic, to brand awareness, to running effective ads on the platform...

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Using Pinterest for Marketing: The Beginner's Guide

Using Pinterest for Marketing: The Beginner's Guide

Are you interested in using Pinterest for marketing? Even if you're a complete beginner to the platform, this guide gives you the lowdown on everything you need to know, including: how to set up a Pinterest account, the benefits of using Pinterest to market your business, and top Pinterest marketing strategies you can put into action today...

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