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How Often Should You Post on Twitter?

How Often Should You Post on Twitter?

There’s lots of advice on how often to post on Twitter, most of it based on little evidence other than what is “generally recommended”. But what actually happens in practice? Here, we look at 30 high profile popular Twitter accounts, from those with 100k+ followers to those with several million. The results may surprise you…

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How to Create Leads on LinkedIn

How to Create Leads on LinkedIn

Multiple studies have shown LinkedIn is second to none when it comes to B2B lead generation. This post details exactly how to create leads on LinkedIn, including five top ways to approach it, the foundational steps to take care of before you start, and how to approach messaging leads to move them into your marketing funnel…

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How to Create an Instagram Post for Business

How to Create an Instagram Post for Business

Find out how to create an Instagram post for business purposes, including all the different types of posts available, 15 different ways to create posts on Instagram that positively showcase your business, attract followers and engage with your audience, and bonus tips for maximizing engagement with your content.

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21 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media

21 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media

Explore these 21 different and creative ways to repurpose content for social media, including some you may not have thought or known about before. The fact is that it’s tough to attract much engagement for the standard link post. As you’ll discover, many other types of social content attract far higher levels of engagement, and your content elsewhere can be easily repurposed into it…

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How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn?

How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn?

How often should you post on LinkedIn? There’s a lot of different advice on the topic, but what’s the truth? In this post, we assess what the optimal posting levels are, the key question to ask that determines how often you should be posting, and the best way to ensure the all-important posting consistency that you need to succeed on LinkedIn.

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Paid Social Ads: A Beginner's Guide

Paid Social Ads: A Beginner's Guide

Knowing where to start with paid social ads can be a little overwhelming. This post guides you through how to plan and execute an effective social media advertising campaign, and how to place paid social ads on the top social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest…

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How to Add Photos to a Facebook Business Page Album Using Mobile

How to Add Photos to a Facebook Business Page Album Using Mobile

Wondering how to add photos to an album on your Facebook Business Page using mobile? This type of task might seem straightforward enough on a desktop computer, but how do you approach it on a phone? This short guide will help you, with 10 key steps you need to follow, each one illustrated so you know exactly what to do…

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How to Repurpose Existing Content the Right Way to Multiply Your Traffic

How to Repurpose Existing Content the Right Way to Multiply Your Traffic

Find out how to repurpose existing content the right way to multiply your traffic, along with a ton of other marketing benefits. This post reveals five key reasons to repurpose existing content, exposes three common myths about content repurposing, and details how to repurpose content for maximum traffic multiplication…

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What Are the Best Online Advertising Platforms?

What Are the Best Online Advertising Platforms?

There’s no shortage of online advertising platforms available for your business. If you’re wondering where to get started, it can be confusing, to say the least. To help you out, this post gives you the ten best online advertising platforms currently available, with an overview and summary of each so you know how they work and the types of ad format provided.

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How Often Should a Business Post on Facebook?

How Often Should a Business Post on Facebook?

How often should a business post on Facebook to maximize their results? That’s what this short and snappy post aims to answer—and what we discover may surprise you. In fact, much of the available information and advice on the topic is woefully out of date and no longer applicable to how Facebook works today…

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