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9 Best Free AI Content Generator Tools (to Help Your Business)

9 Best Free AI Content Generator Tools (to Help Your Business)

This is a guide to 9 of the best free AI content generator tools that help boost your creative output and take care of many aspects of content creation. We explore how to choose the right AI content generator tool for your business, provide a summary of each tool (including the type of content it helps with), and then…

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How to Set Up Video SEO on WordPress

How to Set Up Video SEO on WordPress

How do you approach video SEO on WordPress? Videos are now an indispensable marketing tool that enables businesses to showcase their products and connect with their audience in a highly engaging fashion. But where you’re intending them to be found organically, they need to be discoverable. That’s what we’re looking at in this post, including…

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Getting Started with Bing Search Ads (Microsoft)

Getting Started with Bing Search Ads (Microsoft)

Bing Search Ads are all-too-often overlooked, but are brimming with potential for smart business owners and marketers. Google might be the dominant player in search advertising, but Bing has a lot to offer too, including giving you access to a whole new demographic who might not otherwise ever hear about your…

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How to Use Lead Gen Forms on LinkedIn to Capture More Leads

How to Use Lead Gen Forms on LinkedIn to Capture More Leads

Mastering lead gen forms on LinkedIn is a powerful strategy for capturing high-quality leads and boosting your business growth. B2B leads on LinkedIn are generally higher quality, they convert more easily and spend more than leads from elsewhere. Lead gen forms minimize your lead acquisition costs while…

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11 X (Formerly Twitter) Analytics Tools for Businesses (Free & Paid)

11 X (Formerly Twitter) Analytics Tools for Businesses (Free & Paid)

Want to understand more about your current performance on X (formerly Twitter) and how you can improve? If so, that’s where Twitter analytics tools come in, helping you track likes, reposts and other key metrics that give you deep insights into how well your content resonates with your audience on the platform. But how do you know…

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How to Market Your YouTube Channel

How to Market Your YouTube Channel

Standing out in the sea of content on YouTube requires not just great content but also effective marketing strategies. In this blog post, we give you 11 key ways to market your YouTube channel effectively, focusing on proven techniques to increase your visibility, engagement, and subscriber count. It’s not just a…

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What Should Your Instagram Content Schedule Look Like?

What Should Your Instagram Content Schedule Look Like?

Crafting an effective Instagram content schedule helps maintain consistency, streamlines your posting process, drives up engagement and visibility, and strengthens your brand's presence on the platform. So what should your own content schedule for Instagram look like? In this post, we share the 7 key steps to…

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How to Set Up Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

A comprehensive guide on how to set up Facebook Ads, step by step, plus info on the different ad types that are available, and what you might expect in terms of costs per click (CPC) and CPM. With over half the world’s active internet users on Facebook, advertising on the platform can of course give…

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12 Blog Calendar Templates to Help Plan Your Content

12 Blog Calendar Templates to Help Plan Your Content

Create a blog publishing calendar by adapting an appropriate blog calendar template, and your whole team will know exactly what’s supposed to be published and when including important details such as topics, publishing dates, and the team member(s) responsible. This post gives you 12 blog calendar templates to…

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50+ Email Sign Up Examples for Inspiration

50+ Email Sign Up Examples for Inspiration

Here are over 50 email sign up examples you can use to inspire your own offers to visitors, and help build your list. Use these examples to inspire your own ideas about offers you can make to visitors in exchange for their email address and other contact information, and to model your own sign up boxes on…

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