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60+ Call to Action Examples (Awesome CTAs That Actually Work)
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60+ Call to Action Examples (Awesome CTAs That Actually Work)
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Need some CTA examples to inspire you and provide some ideas for your own calls to action?

If so, you’re in the right place.

This post gives you over 60 examples of effective CTAs sourced from across the web.

First though, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page, and clarify exactly what a call to action (CTA) is, and why using one is so important...

What Is a Call to Action?

A call to action—or CTA—is where you tell someone in your audience the next step that you want them to take.

Your audience might include a visitor to your website, a follower on social media, someone who views your video on YouTube, an email subscriber, or anyone else who in some way is consuming your marketing content.

For content marketing, CTAs are crucial. For example, you want:

  • Visitors to your blog, or content on third-party platforms, to sign up to your list
  • Your audience on social media to follow you, click through on links you provide, or watch your videos
  • Email subscribers—who you’ve worked so hard to obtain—to click through on links in your emails and take advantage of your offers
  • Visitors to landing pages—whether arriving via links on your website, or related ads—to convert into leads or customers.

Calls to action are how meaningful results from content marketing are delivered. They’re used to amplify your content, increase your traffic, generate leads, and convert leads and visitors into customers.

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Why Is a CTA Important?

Without an effective call to action in your content or in a related marketing campaign, your results are likely to be minimal at best.

By telling your audience exactly what you want them to do via a clear and concise CTA, you:

  • Avoid confusion...
  • Compel action...
  • And increase conversion rates significantly.

But how do you create a CTA that actually works?

That’s what this post is for—to give you a powerful resource containing over 60 examples of calls to action used by top businesses and websites across the web that you can use as a basis for your own.

60+ Examples of Calls to Action

The following CTA examples are designed to inspire you and give you some ideas for creating your own effective calls to action.

Remember, while these CTAs no doubt worked well for the websites and businesses in question, don’t copy them directly—make sure you always adapt and test them for your own market. A call to action in one market can have markedly different results in another.

The examples below are grouped into the following ten categories:

  1. CTA phrases—10 of the best call to action phrases available
  2. Call to action button examples
  3. Newsletter sign up CTAs
  4. Email CTAs
  5. CTAs on Instagram
  6. YouTube CTAs
  7. Facebook CTAs
  8. LinkedIn CTAs
  9. CTAs on X
  10. Landing page calls to action

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Phrases—Call to Action Examples

For effective CTAs, language is all-important. As you’ll see from the examples below, it needs to be clear, to the point and compel people to take action.

To create your own effective CTA:

  • Use active language—tell people to take action or do something.
  • A simple shift to using first-person language in CTA phrases can nearly double your conversion rate—instead of “Download This Guide”, switch to “Download My Guide”

These are some of the most effective call to action phrases I’ve seen around the web.

Confirm your details below

Confirm your details below—example of a call to action phrase

This phrasing can work really well for opt-in and purchase forms, or even quotes as in the example from above.

Perhaps it works so well because it subtly implies the person has already made an affirmative decision.

In contrast, a phrase like Enter your details below implies the decision is still to be made, so gives a bit more space to back away.

Variations might include:

  • Confirm your info below
  • Confirm your shipping address
  • Confirm your name and email

Click the button

Yes, even though you’re showing a button, and it’s clearly what the visitor needs to click next, you also need to tell them to actually click it.

This CTA can also be incorporated into longer phrases such as:

  • Click the button now
  • Click the button below
  • Click the button to XYZ

Get your free copy now

This simple phrase incorporates four powerful copy elements that you may not notice at first:

  • Get—they ‘get’ something. Everyone likes to receive.
  • Your—this speaks directly to the reader. They’re not getting just a free copy. They’re getting a copy that already belongs to them, and is waiting to be claimed.
  • Free—this simple word is one of the most powerful in copywriting. We’re wired to get excited at the thought of getting something for free.
  • Now—a sense of immediate availability makes the offer even more appealing. Most people are programmed to want instant gratification—they don’t even have to wait. It’s also telling them to take action now, boosting response.

Here’s an example from Russell Brunson’s

CTA phrase example—get your free copy now

Variations of this theme might include:

  • Get free shipping
  • Get My Free Copy Now—perhaps on a button, shifting to first-person language

Strictly limited

Any time that you imply something might run out, you’ll boost response. People respond strongly to the idea of scarcity, sometimes going a little crazy and losing normal rational thought (think loo rolls during the pandemic).

We all have a fear of missing or losing out—and we can avoid that by simply responding now. People even end up buying things they didn’t know they wanted before the idea of scarcity and not being able to get it overtook them.

So, where appropriate, look to incorporate a sense of scarcity into your call to action phrases.

This particular phrase—strictly limited—sounds very official and authoritative, makes it clear that no exceptions will be made, and uses very direct language to compel us into action.

Here’s an example from an email sent by podcasting expert, Steve Olsher:

Strictly Limited CTA example from Steve Olsher

Examples include:

  • Only 100 available—strictly limited.
  • Strictly limited to the first 25 who apply.

Subscribe now

Here’s an example of this phrase in action from the New York Times:

Subscribe now CTA example from NYT

A common variation of this is Buy Now.

Don’t delay, do X now

Here’s an example of this theme from an email sent by business coach, Ali Brown.

CTA example phrase—don’t delay

A variation on this theme might use copy such as Before you get distracted and end up forgetting, do X now.

Get immediate access—sign up now

Here’s a variation using a ‘get immediate access’-type CTA phrase from

Sign up now and get immediate access—example of a call to action phrase

Only X left—get Y now

This powerful CTA creates a sense of urgency, compelling a potential buyer who may have otherwise been sitting on the fence into action.

The example below, from an advertorial email sent by economic forecaster Harry Dent’s company, uses this type of call to action, including the before it’s too late copy to trigger the reader’s fear of missing out.

Call to action example phrase—only X left

Learn more now [link]

Here’s an example of the Learn more now CTA together with a link as used in a post on X:

Learn more now, go to… example from X

Order now for free shipping

Here’s an example from

Example of CTA phrase—order now for free shipping

Want even more examples of effective call to action phrases? Click here.

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Call to Action Button Examples

CTA buttons get results—a web design agency added call to action buttons to article templates for a client, increasing revenue by 83% in just one month.

Here are a couple of quick tips for CTA buttons:

  • Make them big enough to be tappable on mobile
  • Give them enough space to stand out—surround them in white space so they don’t look visually crammed up against other elements, and to make tapping on mobile easy.

Buy Now

It would be remiss to look at examples of high performance call to action buttons, and ignore Amazon, the biggest ecommerce website in the world.

You can guarantee that this button works well to get visitors to buy, including the color scheme, the font, and the shape and size of the button (including the icon).

CTA button example from Amazon in the USA - buy now button

However, note that while this button is used in many countries around the world, the one below is currently used on Amazon’s UK-based website:

CTA button example from Amazon in the UK - buy now

While other aspects differ, such as the color (and lack of gradient), the shape and the absence of an icon, the language is the same—Buy Now.

The different button could be simply part of a test, or it could well be that this particular style of button works well for British consumers.

Amazon tests aspects of their website constantly, it’s one reason why they’re so dominant.

With all these CTA buttons, and the other call to action examples listed here, you need to follow Amazon’s example and rigorously test any changes in your CTAs for your own website and audience.

Are there aspects of a particular button you could borrow—such as the shape of the button, the color, or the language used—and see how it performs?

The same applies for the other buttons listed here.

A good example of this is on Ebay, where their button looks very different but fits their own look and feel, and works well for their own audience. Note too the slightly different language used.

Example of a CTA button on Ebay - buy it now

Or this example of a Buy Now CTA button is from FreshBooks’s pricing page, alongside a Try It Free call to action link.

Buy Now button CTA example from Freshbooks

And shown at the top with an adjacent timer to add urgency:

Button CTA example with a timer from Freshbooks

Add to Cart

Again from Amazon, this is their Add to Cart button.

CTA button example from Amazon - add to cart

Again this differs for Amazon in the UK, including this time the language used:

CTA button example in the UK - add to basket

This is worth bearing in mind if you have an ecommerce store that sells into the UK for example—the Add to Cart phraseology is common in many English-speaking countries, but would actually reduce response for British consumers.

Get Started Now

This example is from Buffer.

Get Started Now button CTA example from Buffer

Try Free

This example is from CRM software provider, Keap. Also, see their use of the additional See Demo CTA button.

Try Free button CTA example from Keap

An alternative might be Get Started for Free as in this example from

Get Started for Free—button CTA example from

Get Offer

This example is from

Get Offer CTA button example

Example of a button CTA at Facebook - Get Offer

Learn More

Here’s an example from Intercom

Learn More CTA button example from Intercom

Apply Now

This example is from TD Bank:

Apply Now button CTA example

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Newsletter Sign Up—Call to Action Examples

These newsletter sign up call to action examples come from some of the most popular websites on the web for marketers and entrepreneurs.

First up, the SEO website, Moz...

Subscribe today

Moz uses a simple Subscribe today CTA for their newsletter sign up offer, with subscribers receiving regular SEO-related content.

Moz newsletter signup call t -action

Subscribe to the blog

Unbounce’s blog offers the prospective subscriber the latest conversion tips “straight to your inbox”, with a CTA headline, “Get the Latest … Straight to Your Inbox”, and the CTA button using the text “Subscribe to the Blog”.

Newsletter sign up call to action example from Unbounce

Join X

The Join X-type call to action is fairly common but effective. In this example from DigitalMarketer’s blog, visitors are called to subscribe to the newsletter, with the button text “Join Insider”.

Newsletter sign up CTA example from DigitalMarketer

Lead Magnet / Download X now

A good way to attract new subscribers is of course to offer a lead magnet—in other words, a resource that the visitor is likely to find valuable.

The following example from AWeber, from one of their blog pages, uses this approach.

Newsletter signup call to action from AWeber

Be the first to get X

This example from Forbes is taken from a random blog page, and features just one of the newsletters they have available.

As a news-based offer, the CTA plays on people’s desire to be one of the first in the know regarding breaking news.

Forbes’s newsletter CTA sign up example

Email—Call to Action Examples

The following examples illustrate the usage of CTAs in emails.

Of course, one of the primary motivations for businesses using content marketing is to increase their leads.

Once on your email list though, calls to action are essential for moving those leads along in their journey towards becoming customers.

Here are some examples of how other businesses approach this in the emails they send out:

Shop Offer Now

The English horticultural ecommerce site, Suttons, sends regular emails stock-full of CTAs. The following example was just one of many CTAs received in the same email, urging subscribers to take advantage of their offer straightaway before supplies run out.

Email call to action example Suttons

Click here to register now

Clickbank’s email below, enhanced with emojis, urges subscribers to register for a live online event via a “Click here to register now” CTA that’s very effective for webinars and similar.

Email call to action example from Clickbank

Register for webinar

Here’s another way to approach webinar registrations. The following example comes from an email received from’s founder, David Riklan:

Call to action email example from

Save up to X%

This email from Jim Kwik has a discount offer, and even includes a countdown within the email to add urgency (though the countdown had reached zero by the time the screenshot was taken!).

Email CTA example from Jim Kwik

Find X Now

This email CTA example comes from freelancer website,, featuring a simple button to Find Freelancers Now:

Email CTA example from—Find Freelancers Now

Click here now and I’ll show you X

Health tips website is a master of email marketing and the effective use of email-based CTAs.

The CTA in this email uses intrigue and suspense, promising subscribers to reveal the secret the rest of the email refers to when they click the link.

CTA email example from Al Sears, MD—Click here now

Get It Now

An email received from Audible, this CTA offers a new audio book, telling subscribers to Get it now.

CTA example from an email from Audible—Get it now

Start Saving

Here’s another example of a discount-based CTA, with self-publishing website Lulu offering 10% off via the discount code, and a Start Saving! button.

Lulu email CTA example—Start Saving

Read More

Quora sends out a regular digest email, using a simple Read More CTA as follows.

Email CTA example—Read more—Quora

Order Now

Here’s one from Uber, using an Order now call to action.

Example of an email CTA from Uber—Order Now

Find a Deal

And finally, wants subscribers to Find a deal.

Email CTA example—find a deal

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Instagram—Call to Action Examples

CTAs on Instagram are a little more tricky than elsewhere as you can’t include links in the posts themselves, only in your bio.

So calls to action generally involve asking people to click the link in your bio, or letting them know other ways in which they can take the action you want them to take.

Here are some examples of how Instagrammers approach it.

Click the link in my bio #1

From Dean Graziosi, this post is a masterclass in using a call to action on Instagram together with effective copywriting on Instagram.

The actual CTA is highlighted below, Save your spot by clicking the link in my bio, but there are multiple other elements in the post that makes this highly effective, including:

  • The association with Tony Robbins—while Dean Graziosi has a large following in his own right, the link with Tony Robbins gives the post even more authority, with the picture of both of them in an exotic location ensuring it stands out in the feed.
  • The first word, TOMORROW, is capitalized, giving it an immediate sense of urgency.
  • The line, ‘hundreds of thousands of everyday people...’, gives it immediate social proof, while ensuring everyone reading it believes it’s for them as much as anyone else.
  • In the fourth paragraph, the phrase, ‘take back control’, speaks to people directly who, particularly during the global pandemic, have felt that their lives have been out of control and need to resolve that ‘pain’.
  • In the next paragraph, the words, ‘we don’t want you to miss out’, capitalizes on people’s fear of missing out, which is one of the key drivers for action.
  • Just after the main CTA (highlighted), the copy asks the reader to invite others, thereby increasing the impact of the original post.
  • The final line reiterates that the event is tomorrow, reminding the reader of the urgency, and then invites readers to comment if they’ve already registered, thereby adding visual social proof to the post.

Instagram CTA example—click link in my bio

Click the link in my bio #2

This second example from violinist Lynsey Stirling is in more chatty, informal language designed to appeal directly to her fans—Link in bio for all the deets...

Instagram call to action example with Lynsey Stirling

Click the link in my bio #3

From podcaster Lewis Howes, host of School of Greatness, urges followers to check out his offer.

Instagram example of a CTA from Lewis Howes with click the link in my bio

Double tap

The CTA in the post from Gary Vaynerchuk is to double tap, and thereby Like, the post, ensuring it thereby reaches more people.

The real goal of the post is to highlight and build anticipation for his VeeFriends NFT project.

Instagram CTA example with Gary Vee—double tap

This post from The Rock promotes his energy drink brand, Zoa. The CTA is to Sip your ZO..., calling on followers to go buy the product.

Instagram CTA example of product promotion with The Rock

Visit this web address

In this example from Grant Cardone, famous for his 10X mantra and lifestyle, the CTA doesn’t ask people to click a link in his bio, but provides an easily typeable and memorable link to go visit in a browser, prefixed by a pointing hand emoji so people are clear what to do.

It’s short, concise and effective.

Instagram CTA example from Grant Cardone telling followers to visit a web address

Promote another account

In Richard Branson’s video post below, he’s promoting an associated Instagram account, using a subtle CTA to get people to follow.

CTA example on Instagram of Richard Branson promoting another account

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YouTube—Call to Action Examples


Probably the most common call to action on YouTube is for people to Subscribe to a channel. Viewers typically see this type of CTA as a button on the video itself, as in the example here, or a button showing underneath the video on YouTube.

YouTube call to action example—Subscribe

A good place to get people to take this action is also at the end of the video, as in this example from Russell Brunson.

This screen shows for several seconds, inviting viewers not only to subscribe, but also to watch other videos from the channel.

YouTube example CTA subscribe

Watch Now

The rest of these call to action examples on YouTube relate to their TrueView ads. These involve a CTA overlay that calls on the viewer to take some action.

Here’s one that asks the viewer to Watch Now, linking to the advertiser’s website where they can watch some free training.

YouTube call to action example—Watch Now

Start Now

This example is an ad for a free trial of the advertiser’s software, asking viewers to Start Now.

YouTube call to action example—Start Now


Here’s an example of the Register call to action, where viewers can register for a free live event.

YouTube call to action example—Register


Other CTAs are available on YouTube, but this final example uses the Access call to action, where clicking the button enables viewers to access some free training.

CTA YouTube example—Access

Facebook—Call to Action Examples

Facebook is still the most popular social network for businesses to advertise on, largely because their ads are so effective at reaching highly targeted audiences.

When you boost a post on Facebook, you choose the CTA button you wish to use. Here are five examples of such buttons in action, but there are in fact dozens of call to action buttons available, depending on your objective.

Learn More

First, the fairly ubiquitous Learn More button, that works well when say promoting a post or a report.

Here’s an example from HubSpot.

Example of Facebook’s Learn More CTA

Apply Now

Another common option is the Apply Now call to action, in this case inviting users to apply for a new car.

Facebook CTA example - Apply Now

Get Offer

This ad makes an offer of two months free when signing up for an ecommerce store on BigCommerce’s platform, and, appropriately enough, uses the Get Offer call to action button.

Get Offer Facebook example CTA

Shop Now

Speaking of ecommerce stores, Shop Now is a popular CTA for ecommerce-related ads that typically show products users might be interested in.

Facebook Shop Now CTA example

Sign Up

A good option for free trials, opt in offers and other related promotions, the Sign Up CTA invites users to register their interest. Here’s an example of this in action:

Facebook example of a CTA - Sign Up


Finally, this example of a Facebook ad from Contentful uses the Download CTA, through which users can download some information.

Facebook CTA example - Download

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Linkedin—Call to Action Examples

In these examples of calls to action on LinkedIn, there are a couple of CTAs shown in organic posts, alongside CTA buttons used by promoted posts.

Get it here

This example post on LinkedIn from’s Mike Stelzner, uses get it here as the call to action for his company’s latest social media marketing report.

Note the use of the emoji pointing hand icon to increase response, making it clear where people should click.

LinkedIn CTA example with Michael Stelzner

Take advantage of this free offer

The following example of a CTA from investor Ray Dalio urges followers to take advantage of his free offer, providing a link for people to click.

LinkedIn CTA example from Ray Dalio - Get it here


Now for some example CTAs used in LinkedIn’s promoted posts, where you specify an appropriate CTA button to use.

Here’s an example that uses the Download button, enabling users to download a report:

LinkedIn CTA example—download


Another option is the Register button, in this case asking users to register for an event.

LinkedIn call to action example—Register

Learn more

The Learn more CTA button is popular on LinkedIn, as with Facebook above.

In this example, Moz is using it to promote their latest post, in this case inviting users to learn more about how to choose Google My Business categories.

LinkedIn call to action example—Learn More


Finally, this example of a LinkedIn post advertises a podcast and uses a Subscribe CTA button.

LinkedIn call to action example—Subscribe

X—Call to Action Examples

The five most common calls to action on X are to send a private message (or DM), to download something, to repost, follow or post. Here are examples of each one in action.

Send us a private message

There’s a way to add a call to action button to an ordinary post on X that encourages other users to engage with you by asking them to send you a private message—and few people know about it.

This article on Medium shows you how to do so, or there’s help directly from X available here.

Here’s how it might look (sourced from the Medium article I just referred to):

X call to action example inviting users to send a DM

Download now

Download Now is a fairly common CTA on X, often seen in the context of an ad.

In this example, the CTA is in an ordinary organic post.

X CTA example—download now


This post contains a simple CTA for users to repost (retweet) it in order to let others know about the offer.

X call to action example—repost


You’ll see the Follow call to action everywhere on X, such as in this example ad for Zendesk.

X CTA example from Zendesk—follow

And here’s an example of the follow call to action in an ordinary X post, alongside another repost CTA.

X call to action follow example

Tweet us

This example asks followers to tweet their questions, with a second CTA telling followers to join a forthcoming live stream on Instagram.

twitter call to action example

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Landing Page—Call to Action Examples

These examples were all found by clicking through on relevant ads.

I’ve not included links to the page in question for two reasons: landing page links tend to change regularly; and it would also mess up their stats to get traffic from elsewhere.


Wix’s landing page for one of their ads uses a Start Now CTA button.

After clicking that, users go to a page with a basic but effective sign up call to action, appearing both in the headline and the button.

Landing page call to action example from Wix


This example landing page from ActiveCampaign uses a Start your free trial call to action.

Landing page CTA example from ActiveCampaign


Here’s an example of an effective landing page from HostGator, which uses a Get started CTA on the button.

Landing page call to action example—Hostgator


This example of a landing page comes from Instapage, who should know a thing or two about effective landing pages! The main call to action here is to request a demo.

Landing page CTA example Instapage

To Conclude

There you have it! Over 60 examples of CTAs from top websites and businesses across the web, including examples from the main social media platforms, from emails, from email sign up offers, landing pages, and more.

Use this blog post as a powerful resource for your business, using the examples above to inspire and give you some ideas for your own.

As stated earlier though, remember to firstly adapt them for your own market, and secondly, to test them regularly to ensure your calls to action are delivering the best results for your own market.

Finally, take two secs to grab your free copy of this list of 60+ call to action examples so you have it to refer back to:

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Steve Shaw is the founder of EverywhereMarketer, helping businesses and professional marketers streamline their content strategies and maximize their impact across multiple channels.

With over 20 years of experience running online businesses, Steve has served 13,000 customers across 137 countries, empowering them to achieve measurable results in their marketing efforts.

At EverywhereMarketer, Steve combines proven expertise with innovative tools to help marketers grow their online visibility, drive engagement, and scale their businesses with confidence.

Please note that the content on this blog is free because it's reader supported—some content contains links to third-party products and services for which we may receive a commission if clicked and a purchase made.