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45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic Watch Overview

45+ Infographics Submission Sites to Promote Your Infographic

Infographics continue to be one of the most popular types of content used in content marketing, used by 65% of B2B marketers alongside charts and photos.

Infographics are one of the most popular types of content for content marketing

But if you’ve invested in creating one, short of posting it on your own website, how else should you then distribute it to get the maximum value back?

This post tells you, with over 45 infographics submission sites you can submit to, from social media platforms to infographic directories and creative showcases.

These sites have all been categorized, in rough order of priority.

First up on that list is, unsurprisingly...

Social Media

The place where you’re likely to see the most results from your infographics is of course social media.

Social media platforms are highly visual, and while not as engaging as video, infographics tend to attract more engagement and interest than more general images and photos.

For one, humans are 323% better at following information when text is supplied alongside illustrations, versus just text on its own.

For best results on social, don’t forget to employ the #infographic (and/or maybe #infographics) hashtags where applicable to the platform in question.

1. SlideShare

One of the main infographics submission sites is SlideShare

As well as slideshows, SlideShare (now owned by Scribd) also accepts infographic submissions.

However, it must first be converted into a PDF before you upload it.

2. Pinterest

Pinterest is ideally suited for infographics submission

Pinterest is almost made for infographics, with it being an almost purely visual platform, and images performing best when in the longer vertical format that most infographics are created in.

3. Instagram

As a highly visual platform, try submitting your infographic to Instagram

Instagram is another predominantly highly visual platform.

However, while effective (such as attracting a 700% increase in engagement) it’s not as suitable as Pinterest for the longer visual format.

So to make it work, at least if it’s one of those long infographics, you have to approach it a little creatively.

Easelly suggest the following:

  • Taking a snippet from it, and sharing it as a trivia or factoid.
  • Splitting it into sections, sharing them as a post with multiple photos.
  • Using their software (previously covered here) to create the infographic and resize it appropriately for Instagram.

4. Facebook

Post infographics on Facebook

For long visual infographics, approach Facebook in a similar way to Instagram above, by sharing only portions of the infographic at a time.

If you share the whole thing at once it will simply be scaled down to fit in the feed, be surrounded by blank space, and be largely unreadable.

Here’s a longer guide on sharing infographics on Facebook effectively, and here's how to grow your followers on the platform.

5. Twitter

Tweet sections or snippets of your infographics to Twitter

Again, it would be unwise to share the full infographic (unless already sized appropriately) on Twitter.

So instead share a visually-appealing snippet or section, and link to the full infographic somewhere else.

And of course, do so multiple times with other sections of the infographic.

6. LinkedIn

Submit your infographic to LinkedIn

In most respects, the same applies to LinkedIn as for the Instagram/Facebook/Twitter trio above.

But for additional exposure, you can also upload an infographic to your profile by clicking on the plus ‘+’ icon on the Featured section.

Upload an infographic to your LinkedIn profile

You can also potentially add the full infographic to a LinkedIn article, and then share a link to that via a normal LinkedIn post.

7. Reddit r/Infographics

Try submitting your infographic to an applicable subreddit

This is a subreddit that focuses, as you can see, on infographics.

Some can attract quite a bit of engagement.

Infographics on Reddit can attract good levels of engagement

More on how to market on Reddit here.

8. Flickr

Try submitting your infographic to a relevant group on Flickr

For best results on Flickr, try submitting your infographic to a relevant group like this one (shown above).

Other Media

This category reflects a couple of other sites that didn’t fit easily into the other categories here—one a news-based site, the other a creative agency.

9. Fast Company

Fast Company is another potential infographics submission

This site has an ‘infographic of the day’ page as illustrated above.

There isn’t a submission process as such, but you can try:

10. Media Caffeine

Media Caffeine’s infographic gallery that you’re able to submit to

This digital marketing agency has an infographic gallery made up of both designs created, collaborated on… or are simply inspired by.

That means if you catch their eye, you could get featured. There’s a submit button on the page to enable submissions.

Creative Showcases

These are well-regarded websites that operate as showcases for creative work.

While offering additional exposure for your infographic, they may not necessarily help in terms of attracting your target audience.

11. Behance

Behance’s creative platform where infographics can be showcased

Behance is an Adobe-owned site, and is a platform for creative people to showcase as well as discover creative content.

After signing up, you can create Projects to group together related work. Stats show you how many have seen your project and shown appreciation for it.

It has some other social media-type elements too, so members can follow each other and then see their projects appear in their feed..

12. Dribbble

Dribbble’s platform for creators, including for infographics

Dribbble is a type of social media site designed for creatives and digital designers, enabling creators to promote their own work.

While of course frequented by creators, it also attracts others looking for creative help.

Infographic Directories

These are sites specifically designed to showcase infographics.

Some are paid only, others a mix of paid and free submission.

However, it’s unclear as to what if any value they really offer—so if paying for placement, approach with an open mind.

13. Infographic Bee

Infographic directory, Infographic Bee

Provides options for free or paid submission options, with the paid option expediting the process.

14. has an option to submit infographics

Again, this has free and paid submission options.

15. e-Learning Infographics

Accepts the submission of education-related infographics only

As the name suggests, this site accepts submissions of infographics related to education only.

16. Sumographic

Sumographic has paid options available for infographic submission

17. Infographic Website

Infographic website infographic-website.jpg

Also shares infographics across their social media accounts.


Finally, here’s a list of infographic-related blogs that you can try submitting your infographics to.

Some are better quality than others, but by all means experiment and see what kind of results they bring.

Some also offer paid options for submission, with a few having a Featured Infographic option as well.

Most of these are simply listed for your perusal and potential use, with no further comment provided unless of particular interest.

18. Infographic Plaza

Infographic Plaza

This site has won some awards for infographic-related blogs, and also operates an infographic distribution service.

19. Best Infographics

Best Infographics

20. Infographics Zone

Infographics Zone

Also provide infographic design services.

21. Infographics Archive

Infographics Archive

One of the more developed, less “cookie-cutter” blog-based infographics submission sites.

Has options for expedited paid submission, or free submission of your infographic.

22. Infographics Race

Infographics Race

Another site with an award for a blog-based infographics site.

Offers both free and paid submission options.

23. Visulattic


24. News I Like

News I Like

25. Directory of Infographics

Directory of Infographics

26. Cool Infographics

Cool Infographics

27. Daily Infographic

Daily Infographic

Accepts “sponsored” infographic submissions.

28. Flowing Data

Flowing Data

29. Infographic Journal

Infographic Journal

Site offers free, express and featured infographic submission options.

30. Infographics Showcase

Infographics Showcase

While this site offers paid submission, at the time of writing they are not currently accepting submissions.

31. Infographic Database

Infographic Database

Offers a paid submission option only.

32. Infographic Den

Infographic Den

As above, offers a paid submission option only.

33. Today Infographic

Today Infographic

Offers free and paid options, but no information is provided on what the difference is, nor is any pricing information available.

34. I Love Charts

I Love Charts

35. Infographic Reviews

Infographic Reviews

36. Infographics Portal

Infographics Portal

37. The Infographics

The Infographics

There is no direct submission option available, but those interested in submitting an infographic are invited to first connect with the site owner via Twitter.

38. Data Visualizations

Data Visualizations

39. Info Carnivore

Info Carnivore

40. Infographix Directory

Infographix Directory

Provides paid options for expedited submission, as well as the option for your infographic to get featured.

41. TechBlogCorner


42. Visualistan


43. Only Infographic

Only Infographic

44. Love Infographics

Love Infographics

45. Power of Data Visualization

Power of Data Visualization

46. Infographics King

Infographics King

To Conclude

This post has given you over 45 infographics submission sites to attract maximum visibility for your infographics.

While there are a few different types of website to which you can submit your infographics, the strongest contenders are the large social media platforms referred to at the start of this list.

Don’t forget too to try reaching out to other blogs that have published posts where your infographic could offer additional value to their audience.

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Steve Shaw is the founder of EverywhereMarketer, and has ran online businesses for over 20 years, serving over 13,000 customers in 137 countries. EverywhereMarketer helps you grow online visibility, attract more customers and grow your business across multiple channels.

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